29 e-shops with free home delivery, where you can conveniently order goods to the Parcelsea smart mailbox

Buying goods from e-shops is gaining more and more attention among Estonians. Greater choice, better prices, convenient, flexible – sounds like a completely reasonable choice? When shopping in physical store, you can avoid paying for the delivery of goods, which is added to the purchase price in most e-shops – is it ordering goods to a parcel machine, home or […]
29 tasuta kojuveoga e-poodi, kust saad mugavalt kaubad Parcelsea nutipostkasti tellida

E-poodidest kaupade ostmine kogub eestlaste seas aina rohkem hoogu. Suurem valik, soodsamad hinnad, mugavus, paindlikkus: kõlab ju täiesti mõistliku valikuna? Samas füüsilises poes osteldes pääsed kaupade tarne eest maksmisest, mis pea enamus e-poodides ostuhinnale lisandub – olgu selleks kas kauba tellimine pakiautomaati või mugavalt otse koju tellimine. See-eest pakuvad e-poed aina enam täiesti tasuta kojuvedu või […]
Pappkastist kodupakiautomaadini ehk Parcelsea nutipostkasti teekond ideest toimiva lahenduseni

Parcelsea nutipostkasti teekond ideest tänasesse päeva on olnud üllatavalt kiire. Justkui alles eile olime Viimsis garaažis ning visandasime erinevaid ideid paberile. Oleme poole aastaga jõudnud garaažist oma kontorisse Pirital, arendanud pappkastist toote töötavaks erapakiautomaadiks, kasvatanud tiimi 9-liikmeliseks ja kogunud sahtlisse oi-oi kui palju ideid, mille kallal iga päev töötame. Tutvustame sulle meie teekonda veidi lähemalt. […]
From a cardboard box to a real parcel box – the journey of the Parcelsea smart mailbox from idea to a workable solution

The journey of the Parcelsea smart mailbox from the idea to the present day has been surprisingly fast. As if only yesterday we were in the Viimsi garage and sketched different ideas on the paper. And now after six months, we have made it from the garage to our office in Pirita (Pirita tee 20/4 […]
How to use Parcelsea smart mailbox?

Smart and even simple solutions in the modern world can often seem quite complicated. However, once you try it, you never go back! So, let’s go through together of how to use a smart mailbox step by step:
Kuidas kasutada Parcelsea nutipostkasti?

Modernse maailma nutikad ja koguni lihtsad lahendused võivad tunduda tihtipeale hoopistükkis keerulised. Samas kui korra nutiseadeldist kasutada, on asi selgemast selgem! Seega, käime koos Parcelsea nutipostkasti kasutamise etapid samm-sammult läbi:
We are looking for a Country Manager (FI & SWE) in Helsinki!

Parcelsea is a last-mile delivery solution that accepts all your home deliveries when you are not home. We are a fast-growing startup located in Tallinn, that raised 1 million euros to scale smart mailboxes to new markets. Our smart mailboxes allow customers to be in charge of their daily schedule and never miss delivery windows […]
Viimsi garaažist välja kasvanud nutipostkastide võrgustikku ehitav iduettevõte Parcelsea kaasas ligi miljon eurot!

Oma esimese rahastusringi edukalt läbi viinud Eesti idufirma Parcelsea kaasas oma nutipostkastide võrgu ehitamiseks Eestis ja välisturgudel 935 000 eurot. Kaasatud investeeringud suunatakse tootearendusse ja tootmisesse: aasta lõpuks on ettevõtte eesmärk paigaldada 1000 nutipostkasti üle Eesti ning arendada uusi funktsioone ja teenuseid, näiteks pakkide saatmine ja tagastamine, toiduainete külmutamine ja erinevaid targa kodu lahendusi. Ettevõtte esimest […]
Estonian startup Parcelsea raises close to €1M to scale smart mailboxes to new markets

Estonian startup Parcelsea, based in Tallinn, announces raising €935,000 ($1,13M) to build its smart mailbox network in Estonia and foreign markets. The company has been on a fast-developing trajectory while e-commerce and contactless pickup are booming. Parcelsea plans to use the funding to expand production and continue building new features and services, such as freezer department […]
In e-Selver, the “Order goods to the Parcelsea smart mailbox” option is now available to everyone!

At the end of February, together with e-Selver, we started testing the Parcelsea personal parcel machine for food deliveries. Our test customers had the opportunity to use “Order goods to the Parcelsea smart mailbox” option when making an e-Selver purchase so that the courier would bring the food directly to the smart mailbox. How did it […]