New Parcelsea website and new pricing packages!
Allow us to introduce you to Parcelsea’s new website and the new monthly smartbox packages, designed according to the preferences and feedback of our current smartbox owners. The new packages include a range of additional services and conveniences.
Smart mailbox with parcel compartment for a single-family home

In everyday life, we often find that we restrict ourselves and our family just because we want to be at home for the parcel delivery. Parcelsea’s smart mailbox with a 3 parcel compartment was specially designed for family houses – find out what it’s all about!
Who is Kaisa Mäesalu, Parcelsea’s new supply chain manager?

Photo: Tiina Kukk In the meantime, the team of Parcelsea has gone through a few changes – the first of them being Kaisa Mäesalu, who joined our team at the end of spring and has now comfortably established herself as the supply chain manager. Let’s get to know Kaisa more closely! Kaisa, who are you […]
10 Gründe, den Wäscheservice von Parcelsea auszuprobieren

Although almost every household today has a washing machine, but still a large part of this housework is manual work: sorting the laundry, choosing the program and detergents, putting them in the dryer or on the drying rack, collecting them, ironing them, folding them. The bigger the family, the more likely it is that laundry-related […]
Was ist Parcelsea Wäscheservice?

Parcelsea Smart Mailbox ist nicht mehr nur ein persönlicher Paketautomat, es ist viel mehr als das – ab März hilft die Smartbox von Parcelsea Haushalten auch beim Waschen und Bügeln ihrer Bettwäsche!
Im Urlaub, aber das Paket kommt an? Smart Mailbox hilft Ihnen aus Paketproblemen!

Der Sommer naht, die Tage werden länger und für viele von uns ist es bald Zeit für den wohlverdienten Urlaub. Ob längere Aufenthalte in der Ferne, Tages- und Wochenendtrips ins eigene Land oder gemütliche Stunden auf der heimischen Gartenliege – das Wichtigste ist, dass die Erholung nicht zu kurz kommt.
Share your smart mailbox with multiple users – additional feature now available!

Would you like to order a smart mailbox for your family, share it with a neighbor, or use it for business? Now it is even easier to do it because the rights can also be shared with others who want to be aware of the arrival and sending of parcels!
Parcelsea laundry service – the experience is shared by the mother of a family of 5!

The 3-month trial period of the Parcelsea laundry service is now over. The service was tested by almost half a hundred families in Harju County and the necessity, usefulness and quality of the service brought excellent results!
91% of Parcelsea laundry service users would recommend the service to their friends

Almost every company, solution or product constantly emphasizes that maintaining high customer satisfaction is the key to their success. And they are absolutely right! Ultimately, customer satisfaction reflects customer value, which allows the company’s services to expand and become even more popular. We considered customer feedback to be the most important part of the launch […]
Parcelsea smart mailbox helps a small business to deliver Ukrainian art goods to the customer quickly and conveniently!

Parcelsea smart mailbox is a fast and efficient helper for hundreds of private customers as well as for dozens of business customers, which makes the lives of both companies and their customers more comfortable with smart solutions.